Trevett Cristo has been a proud community pillar in Rochester for over 90 years. Throughout the firm’s history there have been 16 named partners and numerous others that have allowed the firm to become
what it is known to be today. Members of the past and present team at Trevett Cristo are distinguished members of the law community and have been recognized throughout history for their commitments.
They say if at first you don’t succeed, try again. After failing to maintain a solo practice just out of college, founder Oscar J. Brown, discovered success when he tried for the second time to start his own practice.
if at first you don't succeed, try again
With the addition of Melvin H. Zurett, who was newly admitted to the bar in 1928, Brown found a dual partnership that would withstand the test of time and became the foundation of the firm as it is known today. Located in the Wilder Building in downtown Rochester, Brown and Zurett opened their doors.
The end of the dual partnership came at the hands of Thomas W. Sullivan. He became a partner after his return from assisting in the prosecution of war criminals in the Nuremberg War Trials. His inclusion was the spark that led to an increase in partners and the firm was the addition of three new partners over the next 6 years.

May 15, 1958 saw the death of founder and senior partner Oscar J. Brown. As a memoriam and honor to his legacy the firm would carry his name until 1963.

The current named partner Thomas Trevett joined the firm and welcomed changes to the firm that remain to this day. Trevett who previously worked for former Children’s Court Judge Thomas Meagher, broadened the firm’s focus by taking on cases that dealt with estate and real estate law, all material he had experienced during his first position with Meagher.
Following in his father’s footsteps Louis B. Cristo, Jr. pursued a career in law and joined the present firm bringing with him a background of commercial law and personal injury litigation. The firm also made a strategic move in merging with Arnold Petralia’s firm to introduce tax law expertise. Each addition to the firms practice areas allowed for the firm to become more involved in the local legal community and establish relationships that are still trusted today.
Lawrence J. Andolina was a Rochesterian who worked at several prominent firms in the are before calling the present day firm home and becoming a partner. He enjoyed strong support among the law enforcement community.

Cristo was named president of the present day firm fourteen years after initially becoming a partner.
Once a dual partnership the firm now includes 20 attorneys covering a broad spectrum of services. The firm takes the idea of growth and expansion and applies that today to the Rochester community. The firm is committed to community engagements and striving to provide charitable efforts to the firm’s hometown, Rochester, NY
More than a city, Finding a partner in Rochester
The firm’s original building is not the only thing with roots that connect it to the city. Several partners throughout history have been local members of the community who couldn’t find a reason to leave but found the perfect reason to stay. From born and raised, to Monroe County residents, to former Monroe County DA employees Rochester has acted as a partner in the firm’s development and rich pool of highly qualified attorneys.
We've worked hard for 90 years to bring the best to our clients and that hasn't gone unnoticed
1983 Gary Smith appointed by Governor Cuomo as Rochester City Court Judge until 1996
1998 Vanstryonck appointed to serve on the State Supreme Court and remained there until 2012
Lou Cristo named US News and World Report as area’s ‘Best Lawyers’ Lawyer of the Year, Insurance Law